Sunday, January 27, 2008

DNR Garmin Field Guide

This is a field guide created for the Fire Department of Long Beach, CA. The goal was to create a quick reference guide to be use in the field. Their request was to make it "Firemen Proof" so the final product is a 4"x7" laminated pocket size flip book. It's water proof, tear resistant and they can even run it over with a fire truck. This guide includes a quick guide on how to use Garmin GPS 60CSx, download the points using DNR Garmin and then creating a KML file to be used in Google Earth.

Read this doc on Scribd: Garmin Field Guide

Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations

This is a great link to more videos on how GPS works and art to Geosciences. I can't even begin to tell you how well this website is put together. Bookmark this site!

If you dig deep into the site you will find visualizations on:

*The difference between geostationary satellites versus polar orbits satellites.
*Tsunami Visualizations
*Hurricane Visualization
*Glacier Physics:
*Weather and Climate:
Here is their link to their entire collection: